Inactivation of candida metapsilosis in sucrose syrups by natural antimicrobial. Shelf life study.


Minimally processed foods are one of the major growing sectors in food industry. In order to avoid the food contamination by Candida species, avoiding the use of chemical preservatives, a study was carried out to test the inactivation of C. metapsilosis, as target pathogen microorganism, using a natural food composition rich in plant polyphenols (NFC), with syrups as model food system. For this purpose, syrups were studied at different pH and ºBrix together with the NFC compound, at 5ºC for 43 days. NFC showed a partial fungicidal effect against C. metapsilosis, in most of the syrups, except in the syrups D60 and D75 in which the total inhibition of the microorganism occurred at 43 and 20 days respectively. The incorporation of NFC opens the possibility of formulating clean label syrups without chemical preservatives and with a high standard of food safety.

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  • Original title: Inactivation of candida metapsilosis in sucrose syrups by natural antimicrobial. Shelf life study.
  • Record ID : 30028088
  • Languages: English
  • Source: X Congreso Ibérico y VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Ciencias y Técnicas del Frío, CYTEF 2020.
  • Publication date: 2020/11/11


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