Indirect refrigeration systems: design guidebook.
Type of monograph: Book, Guide/Handbook
Detailed information about the design, construction and operation of secondary systems is needed in order to successfully complete a cooling system. This guidebook surveys the design principles of indirect refrigeration systems and gives detailed instructions on how to dimension and build an installation that works well. It also gives design data in the form of tables and graphs. Extract from the table of contents: cooling systems; heat transfer fluids (environment and safety; corrosion in brine systems; brine maintenance and use); pipe dimensioning; pipe network accessories (expansion vessels; pumps; safety devices); construction of pipe networks (thermal expansion in pipe networks; pipe supporting; pipe insulation; cleanliness of pipes and flushing connections); heat exchangers; pipe network control; defrosting of heat exchangers; physical property tables (thermodynamic properties and material compatibility of brines).
- Original title: Indirect refrigeration systems: design guidebook.
- Record ID : 2004-3078
- Languages: English
- Subject: Environment
- Publication: Tampere University of Technology, Energy and Process Engineering - Finland/Finland
- Publication date: 2003
- ISSN: 14593440
- ISBN: 9521510234
- Source: Source: rep. 173; 237 p. (17.5 x 24.5); fig.; tabl.; ref.; append.
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
Evaporators, condensers and other heat exchangers;
Defrosting systems;
Indirect refrigeration systems - Keywords: Valve (generic); Refrigerating system; Geometry; Safety; Maintenance; Brine; Piping; Heat transfer; Design; Network; Recommendation; Thermodynamic property; Physical property; Material; Guide; Environment; Defrosting; Corrosion; Control (generic); Construction; Secondary refrigerant; Heat exchanger; Compatibility
Le titane, pourquoi pas ?
- Author(s) : OSTERMANN J. N., SENT O.
- Date : 1996/12
- Languages : French
- Source: CETIM-Inf. - n. 151
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- Date : 2007/10
- Languages : English
- Source: ASHRAE Journal - vol. 49 - n. 10
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- Languages : Spanish
- Source: Téc. Frio - vol. 57 - n. 573
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- Date : 2002/07/22
- Languages : English
- Formats : PDF
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