Practical indirect cooling: liquid secondary refrigerants. Implementation and repair handbook for indirect cooling: towards the development of more sustainable cooling.

Froid indirect pratique : fluides frigoporteurs liquides. Manuel de mise en service et de dépannage en froid indirect : vers le développement d'un froid plus durable !

Author(s) : LA SALA J.

Type of monograph: Book, Guide/Handbook


The principle of "indirect cooling" consists in cooling a refrigerant fluid with a compact refrigeration system and distributing it to various refrigeration units. Indirect cooling is one of the solutions allowing the development of more sustainable cooling. The aim of this book is to be a practical tool. It outlines the hydraulic fundamentals specific to refrigeration applications using liquid secondary refrigerants. Extract from the table of contents: elementary hydraulic fundamentals (general structure of an indirect cooling system; hydraulic resistance; pressure drop); cooling circuits (equipped with a single liquid chiller; equipped with parallel or series liquid chillers); cooling/distribution interface; distribution circuits; discharge and suction in a hydraulic circuit; practical use of the main technical features of a centrifugal pump; pump-related energy use (comparison of pumping and cooling energy consumption); main defrosting technologies in indirect cooling (natural defrosting or thanks to electrical warming of the secondary fluid, by cumulative or instant heat recovery); main thermophysical properties of liquid secondary refrigerants (freezing points, density; specific heat; kinematic viscosity; thermal conductivity; surface tension; dilatation coefficient).


  • Original title: Froid indirect pratique : fluides frigoporteurs liquides. Manuel de mise en service et de dépannage en froid indirect : vers le développement d'un froid plus durable !
  • Record ID : 2010-0332
  • Languages: French
  • Subject: Environment
  • Publication: Tethila Editions - France/France
  • Publication date: 2009
  • ISBN: 9782952021715
  • Source: Source: 188 p.; fig.; tabl.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.