IIR document
Influence of air-conditioning management in Paris air street temperatures.
Number: pap. ID: 514
Author(s) : TREMEAC B., BOUSQUET P., DE MUNCK C., et al.
Projections of future climate suggest increases in extreme temperatures particularly in mid latitudes. In addition, the effect of heat waves, which are becoming a major “summer killer”, is exacerbated in urban areas owing to the heat island effect. Air conditioning (A/C) is a solution except that air cooled A/C still exacerbates the heat island and thus the heat waves. Results of a meso-scale meteorological model (MESO-NH), coupled to an urban energy balance model including a simplified building model (TEB), are used. Simulations based on a realistic spatial cartography of air-cooled chillers and cooling towers in the city of Paris and surroundings have been performed. The simulation period corresponds to the extreme heat wave in Paris: 9-13 August 2003. Five scenarios will be discussed : firstly a baseline without air-conditioning (REF scenario); secondly the actual situation including individual air dry coolers, wet cooling towers and an urban cooling network relying on free-cooling (watercooled A/C with the river Seine) (REAL scenario). A third scenario will assume that all the heat is rejected as sensible heat in the atmosphere (DRY AC scenario). Two other scenarios correspond to a prospective where A/C is doubled. Scenario 4 assumes that all the heat is rejected as sensible heat in the atmosphere (DRY ACx2 scenario). On the opposite, scenario 5 assumes that all the heat is rejected underground or in the river Seine (NOREJ scenario). The first three scenarios show that the heat island effect is enhanced by A/C management whereas the fifth scenario is neutral and even slightly decreases the heat island.
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- Original title: Influence of air-conditioning management in Paris air street temperatures.
- Record ID : 30002014
- Languages: English
- Subject: Figures, economy, Environment, General information
- Source: Proceedings of the 23rd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Prague, Czech Republic, August 21-26, 2011. Overarching theme: Refrigeration for Sustainable Development.
- Publication date: 2011/08/21
See other articles from the proceedings (569)
See the conference proceedings
Air conditioning: general information;
Evaporators, condensers and other heat exchangers;
General information on environment (climate change, ozone depletion…);
District cooling and heating;
Other air-conditioning applications;
Air conditioning: economics and statistics - Keywords: Free cooling; Cooling tower; Temperature; Chiller; Atmosphere; Simulation; Air conditioning; Climate
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