Influence of various harvesting dates on the shelf-life and sensorial properties of apricots, peaches and plums.

Einfluss verschiedener Erntetermine auf die Lagerfähigkeit und die sensorischen Eigenschaften bei den Obstarten Marille, Pfirsich und Zwetschke.

Author(s) : WURM L.

Type of article: Article


To test whether the criteria for good external fruit quality and good taste of ripe fruits are compatible, two different levels of maturity of selected apricot, plum and peach varieties were stored. Both levels of maturity were stored for a week. Before and after storage the different maturity levels of each variety were tasted and the number of fruits with fruit rot was identified in order to know if analytical differences are comprehensible by tasting the fruits and to know if the shelf life is influenced by the advanced stage of maturity.


  • Original title: Einfluss verschiedener Erntetermine auf die Lagerfähigkeit und die sensorischen Eigenschaften bei den Obstarten Marille, Pfirsich und Zwetschke.
  • Record ID : 30005617
  • Languages: German
  • Source: Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg - special issue
  • Publication date: 2011


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