Recommended by the IIR
Integrating renewable and waste heat and cold sources into district heating and cooling systems
Type of monograph: Report
Based on a holistic case studies analysis of 8 efficient district heating and cooling (DHC) systems in different EU Member States (Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania and Spain), the study investigates the design and operation of DHC systems mainly supplied by renewable energy sources and (excess) waste heat and cold sources, aiming at identifying the key success factors enabling the integration of those sources, and drivers and conditions for their replicability in other cities and communities. Finally, it suggests some potential policy guidelines to support the integration of local and low-carbon energy sources through DHC. Through the analysis of concrete operational examples, the study contributes to increasing awareness on the role and features of efficient DHC systems, which have proved to be powerful levers for deep decarbonisation, providing an evolutive backbone to balanced energy transitions.
- Original title: Integrating renewable and waste heat and cold sources into district heating and cooling systems
- Record ID : 30028194
- Languages: English
- Subject: Figures, economy, Technology, Environment
- Publication: European Commission
- Publication date: 2021
- ISBN: 978-92-76-29428-3
- DOI:
Economic data and statistics;
District cooling;
Heat pumps techniques;
Thermal energy storage;
Cogeneration (CHP), trigeneration - Keywords: Europe; District cooling; Heat recovery; District heating; Denmark; France; Spain; Cogeneration; Germany; Lithuania; Italy; Sweden; Case study; Heat pump; Statistics; Energy saving; Thermal energy storage; Geothermy; Renewable energy; Household application; Industrial application
Energy, economic and environmental performance ...
- Author(s) : IODICE P., DENTICE D'ACCADIA M., ABAGNALE C., et al.
- Date : 2016/02/25
- Languages : English
- Source: Applied Thermal Engineering - vol. 95
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General data on the production of geothermal heat.
- Author(s) : THELLIER J. P.
- Date : 2009/04/06
- Languages : English
- Source: RCR 2009. 1st IIR Workshop on Refrigerant Charge Reduction in Refrigerating Systems.
- Formats : PDF
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Operation strategy optimization and economic an...
- Author(s) : ZHANG W., LU J., CHENG L., et al.
- Date : 2015/03
- Languages : Chinese
- Source: HV & AC - vol. 45 - n. 301
- Formats : PDF
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Upscaling a district heating system based on bi...
- Author(s) : LEEUWEN R. P. van, FINK J., WIT J. B. de, et al.
- Date : 2015/05/16
- Languages : English
- Source: Energy, Sustainability and Society
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Experiences on district cooling systems, therma...
- Author(s) : MOHAMED R., SAIRAN S.
- Date : 1998/10/28
- Languages : English
- Source: Absorption machines for heating and cooling in future energy systems. Workshop proceedings.
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