Integration of thermoelectric modules to vapor compression systems.
Number: 2133
This paper describes the technology of a thermoelectric (TE) integrated heat pump. It uses a TE heat pump to subcool the refrigerant liquid before entering the evaporator to enlarge the evaporating capacity; and elevate the heat in the refrigerant flow to a supplemental heating coil and discharge the capacity to the indoor air flow. Using the DOE/ORNL Heat Pump Design Model, four system configurations were modelled on a baseline two-speed heat pump, the baseline heat pump with adding a supplemental coil, the TE integrated heat pump having one stage TE heating to control a 20R liquid refrigerant temperature drop; and having two stages TE heating to control up to 40R temperature drop. The system models were used to produce performance curves for EnergyPlus building energy simulations. We selected template residential buildings, poorly insulated: pre-1990 buildings, and well-insulated: IECC2021 buildings; in five cold climate zones: 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B, 7. The building energy simulations demonstrated energy saving potentials, utility cost reductions and estimated payback periods.
Available documents
Format PDF
Pages: 10 p.
- Original title: Integration of thermoelectric modules to vapor compression systems.
- Record ID : 30030482
- Languages: English
- Subject: Technology
- Source: 2022 Purdue Conferences. 19th International Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Conference at Purdue.
- Publication date: 2022/07/10
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