Integration of variable refrigerant flow and heat pump desiccant systems for the cooling season.


Type of article: Article


Energy saving and indoor air condition enhancing potentials by integrating the variable refrigerant flow (VRF) and heat pump desiccant (HPD) systems were investigated in a field performance test during a cooling season. Three different operating modes: non-ventilated, HPD ventilation assisted and HPD ventilation-dehumidification assisted VRF systems were investigated. The HPD systems operated in the ventilation-dehumidification mode dehumidify the outdoor air and supply it to the indoor air during the ventilation. It was found that the VRF systems provided an average of 97.6% of the total cooling energy for the HPD ventilation assisted mode. The remainder was the recovered cool by the HPD systems during ventilation. The VRF systems provided an average of 78.9% of the total cooling energy for the HPD ventilation–dehumidification assisted mode. The remainder was covered by the HPD systems which provided additional sensible and latent cooling. Overall, among the three operating modes, it is concluded that the HPD ventilation-dehumidification assisted VRF outdoor units consume less energy than the HPD ventilation assisted ones, but more than the non-ventilated ones, while providing the best indoor thermal comfort and indoor air quality conditions. For the total system, the HPD ventilation-dehumidification assisted VRF systems consume less energy than the HPD ventilation assisted ones. [Reprinted with permission from Elsevier. Copyright, 2010].


  • Original title: Integration of variable refrigerant flow and heat pump desiccant systems for the cooling season.
  • Record ID : 30001428
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Applied Thermal Engineering - vol. 30 - n. 8-9
  • Publication date: 2010/06
  • DOI:


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