Liquefied natural gas: current expansion and perspectives, 19th Informatory Note on Refrigerating Technologies.
Author(s) : CHRZ V.
Type of article: Techincal Brief
LNG technology has been in use since the 1960s and is constantly evolving. The three main trends likely to shape the future of LNG trading are: emergence of new markets and commitments forcing buyers to seek more flexible supplies and use energy mixes; reductions in the cost of LNG, now able to compete with conventional pipeline gas; development of short-term LNG trading. Although LNG is still expensive to produce and transport, efforts (technological as well as contractual) are being made to reduce these costs and to increase process efficiency. Nevertheless, LNG is already competitive compared with diesel fuel, LPG and oil in many countries. Furthermore, the environmental benefits of natural gas and the technical/economic advantages of gas liquefaction should potentially allow LNG to become a major energy vector. For the Spanish translation, see this Bulletin, reference 2007-0018.
Available documents
- Original title: Liquefied natural gas: current expansion and perspectives, 19th Informatory Note on Refrigerating Technologies.
- Record ID : 2007-0017
- Languages: English, French
- Subject: Environment
- Source: Bull. IIF-IIR/IIF, Note Inf./IIR, Inf. Note/ - vol. 86 - n. 2006-5
- Publishers: IIF-IIR
- Publication date: 2006/10
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
- See also: IIR Informatory Notes on Refrigerating Technologies.
- See translations: 19a Nota informativa del IIR sobre tecnologías de refrigeración. Gas natural licuado: expansión actual y perspectivas.
See the source
Cryology, gas processing: general information;
Cryogenics safety, instrumentation and metrology;
LNG and LPG;
Applications of liquified gases - Keywords: Safety; Economy; Transport; Recommendation; Review; Storage; Statistics; Chemical property; Production; Process; Prediction; Performance; World; Market; LNG; Natural gas; Environment
19a Nota informativa del IIR sobre tecnologías ...
- Author(s) : CHRZ V.
- Date : 2006/11
- Languages : Spanish
- Source: IIF-IIR/Frío Calor Aire acond. - vol. 34 - n. 387
- Formats : PDF
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