MENA Region Cooling Status Report. Progress, Opportunities, and Insights.


The aim of this report is to look beyond the four Cool Up partner countries to show developments in sustainable cooling with a high-level perspective and broad geographic scope across the whole region. As this report is the first of a series of six MENA Region Cooling Status Reports, it is intended to set the scene, whereas future issues will focus on particular aspects of sustainable cooling or related topics. In all reports, we aim to show valuable developments, insights, and good practice examples regarding sustainable cooling in the region. Our goal is to close knowledge gaps by addressing four perspectives of sustainable cooling: policy, technology, markets, and finance. In addition, the report provides a basis on which regional experts can share valuable insights and perspectives.

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Pages: 54 p.




  • Original title: MENA Region Cooling Status Report. Progress, Opportunities, and Insights.
  • Record ID : 30030909
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Figures, economy, Technology, Developing country, HFCs alternatives
  • Publication: Guidehouse Germany GmbH - Berlin - Germany
  • Edition statement: Cool Up programme
  • Publication date: 2022/05
