IIR document
Mixing rules for the specific heat capacities of several HFC-mixtures.
Type of article: Article, IJR article
The specific heat capacity at constant pressure of some relevant HFCs as replacements for R12, R502 and R22 was measured. The liquids investigated are binary or ternary mixtures of R134a, R152a, R125, R32 and R143a. Empirical functional relations in polynomial forms between the temperature, specific heat capacity and concentration are established and the coefficients of the polynomial correlations are presented.
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Pages: 235-243
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- Original title: Mixing rules for the specific heat capacities of several HFC-mixtures.
- Record ID : 1998-1531
- Languages: English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 20 - n. 4
- Publication date: 1997/06
See other articles in this issue (5)
See the source
Blends - Keywords: R143a; R134a; Calculation; Measurement; R32; R152a; R125; Mixture; Refrigerant; Specific heat
Specific heat capacities for HFC-mixtures.
- Author(s) : GUNTHER D., STEIMLE F.
- Date : 1996/12
- Languages : German
- Source: KI Luft Kältetech. - vol. 32 - n. 12
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- Author(s) : GUENTHER D., STEIMLE F.
- Date : 1996/11/20
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- Source: DKV-Tagungsbericht 23. 1996 Leipzig.
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- Author(s) : HEIDE R.
- Date : 1997/11
- Languages : English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 20 - n. 7
- Formats : PDF
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Refrigerants: a fresh look at gas selection.
- Author(s) : SHEALY G.
- Date : 1994/10
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- Date : 1996/11/20
- Languages : German
- Source: DKV-Tagungsbericht 23. 1996 Leipzig.
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