Nano-refrigerants: what perspectives for refrigeration applications?

Les nano-fluides : quelles perspectives pour les applications frigorifiques ?


Type of article: Article


Even though the nano-refrigerant sector is increasingly expanding, it is still recent and lacks statistical data on key properties, in particular conductivity and viscosity. However, copper and carbon nanotubes are starting to be well-understood in their application to nano-refrigerants, along with the promising improvements that can be hoped for. Among the metals studied, aluminium oxide plays an important role. As for preparation methods, it seems that the chemical options are being developed more than other direct methods, which is an advantage as its use greatly mitigates flocculation and possible health risks. The advent of these refrigerants in our refrigeration applications can be rapid and could result in improved performance in our systems if obstacles to production are removed (stabilization, coagulation, suspension, cost, health risks).


  • Original title: Les nano-fluides : quelles perspectives pour les applications frigorifiques ?
  • Record ID : 2010-0796
  • Languages: French
  • Source: Revue générale du Froid & du Conditionnement d'air - vol. 99 - n. 1093
  • Publication date: 2009/05


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