Performance analysis and optimization of a new two-stage ejector-expansion transcritical CO2 refrigeration cycle.
Author(s) : YARI M.
Type of article: Article
In this paper, a new two-stage configuration of ejector-expansion transcritical CO2 (TRCC) refrigeration cycle is presented, which uses an internal heat exchanger and intercooler to enhance the performance of the new cycle. The theoretical analysis on the performance characteristics was carried out for the new cycle based on the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Based on the simulation results, it is found that, compared with the conventional two-stage transcritical CO2 cycle, the COP and second law efficiency of the new two-stage cycle are about 12.5-21% higher than that of conventional two-stage cycle. It is also concluded that, the performance of the new two-stage transcritical CO2 refrigeration can be significantly improved based on the presented new two-stage cycle. Hence the new two-stage refrigeration cycle is a promising refrigeration cycle from the thermodynamically and technical point of views. A regression analysis in terms of evaporator and gas cooler exit temperatures has been used, in order to develop mathematical expressions for maximum COP, optimum discharge and inter-stage pressures and entrainment ratio. [Reprinted with permission from Elsevier. Copyright, 2009].
- Original title: Performance analysis and optimization of a new two-stage ejector-expansion transcritical CO2 refrigeration cycle.
- Record ID : 2010-0786
- Languages: English
- Source: International Journal of thermal Sciences - vol. 48 - n. 10
- Publication date: 2009/10
- DOI:
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