Performance monitoring, fault detection and diagnosis of heat pumps.



Fault detection systems for heat pumps currently focus primarily on preventing mechanical failures, which is generally achieved through the use of switches that turn off the unit when temperatures and/or pressures exceed preset limits. Generally, these systems do not provide direct information as to the "health" of the heat pump prior to its cut-off and cannot therefore be useful in preventing breakdowns. The paper presents a methodology which uses a combination of techniques: thermodynamic modelling, pattern recognition and expert knowledge to determine the "health" of a heat pump and to diagnose selected faults. The resulting fault detection and diagnosis system is composed of three modules. The first one deals with the detection of faults when the heat pump is "off"; the second detects faults during start-up; finally, the third module detects deterioration in performance.


  • Original title: Performance monitoring, fault detection and diagnosis of heat pumps.
  • Record ID : 1998-0522
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Heat pumping technologies towards the next century: applications and markets. Proceedings of the 5th IEA Conference.
  • Publication date: 1996/09/22
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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