Proteolytic activity and calcium effect in dark firm dry and pale soft exsudative meat.

Author(s) : LIVISAY S. A., XIONG Y. L., MOODY W. G.

Type of article: Article


Changes in myofibrillar proteins and pH in dark-firm-dry (DFD) and normal beef, and in pale-soft-exudative, normal and DFD pork were monitored during post mortem storage (2 deg C). No detectable post mortem proteolysis was observed in myosin and actin. In beef, the gradual appearance of a 30 molecular weight component after 3 days was the only definitive post mortem proteolytic change in both DFD and normal muscle. This proteolytic change was more pronounced in DFD and normal pork than in beef. The rate of the changes was generally greater in DFD than in normal pork. Injection of calcium chloride solution did not appreciably alter proteolysis in all pork samples. Differences observed in the 30 kDa polypeptide between normal, pale-soft-exudative and DFD pork may be part of the reason why the anomalous pork differ from normal pork in textural quality.


  • Original title: Proteolytic activity and calcium effect in dark firm dry and pale soft exsudative meat.
  • Record ID : 1997-0346
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Lebensm.-Wiss. Technol. - vol. 29 - n. 1-2
  • Publication date: 1996


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