Recrystallization of ice in various storage conditions in model solutions for ice-cream.

Rekristallisation von Eis bei verschiedenen Lagerungsbedingungen in Modellösungen für Eiskrem.

Author(s) : GAUKEL V., SPIESS W. E. L.


In recrystallisation of ice crystals the diffusion-controlled Ostwald freezing coeffici.e.nt, the coalescence and (during temperature fluctuations) the freezing-thawing coefficient play a decisive role. This recrystallisation process leads to an increase in the average ice-crystal size and to a decrease in ice-crystal count. The dependence of the average ice-crystal size on the storage time can be described with an exponent function whose linear factor depends, in turn, on the frequence of significant temperature fluctuations. A good correlation was found between the measured stationary distribution function and the theoretical distribution function (according to Brailsford), especially in coalescence processes.


  • Original title: Rekristallisation von Eis bei verschiedenen Lagerungsbedingungen in Modellösungen für Eiskrem.
  • Record ID : 1998-0401
  • Languages: German
  • Source: DKV-Tagungsbericht 23. 1996 Leipzig.
  • Publication date: 1996/11/20
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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