Research on freezing of a refrigerant package with a small degree of supercooling.

Investigación sobre la congelación de un paquete refrigerante con un pequeño grado de subenfriamiento.

Author(s) : OKAWA S., YAMADA T.

Type of article: Article


The refrigerant in a refrigerant package needs to be frozen before use in order to store the latent heat. However, supercooling phenomenon exists before the freezing, and it becomes a serious problem. Liquid material with a higher melting temperature in a capsule is installed inside a refrigerant package. Ice propagation phenomenon through a small pinhole on the capsule to reduce the degree of supercooling was investigated.

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Pages: 12-16 (4 p.)


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  • Original title: Investigación sobre la congelación de un paquete refrigerante con un pequeño grado de subenfriamiento.
  • Record ID : 30009366
  • Languages: Spanish
  • Source: Frío Calor Aire acondicionado - vol. 41 - n. 461
  • Publication date: 2013/09


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