IIR document
Single-objective optimization for stack unit of standing wave thermoacoustic refrigerator through fruit fly optimization algorithm.
Author(s) : RAHMAN A. A., ZHANG X.
Type of article: Article, IJR article
Thermoacoustic refrigeration is considered as a potential alternative refrigeration technology with environmentally-friendly working substance, no or few moving parts, high reliability as well as utilization of low grade energy. Optimization for thermoacoustic systems or their key components has become a crucial task to make their performances competitive over conventional vapor-compression ones. In this study, fruit fly optimization algorithm (FOA) as an intelligent method is introduced to separately maximize coefficient of performance of stack unit and cooling power produced for one standing wave thermoacoustic refrigerator, as single objective functions under optimized stack length, stack center position, blockage ratio and drive ratio. FOA had shown better optimal results, compared to published literature results. Compared to results of genetic algorithm, COP had been enhanced by 15.8%. Moreover, cooling power was first discussed as another important objective to optimize. Studied results demonstrated that FOA is an effective approach for design optimization of thermoacoustic refrigerators.
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Pages: 35-41
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- Original title: Single-objective optimization for stack unit of standing wave thermoacoustic refrigerator through fruit fly optimization algorithm.
- Record ID : 30025363
- Languages: English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 98
- Publication date: 2019/02
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2018.09.031
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- Formats : PDF
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