Some design features of a CO2 air conditioner.

Author(s) : ROZHENTSEV A., WANG C. C.

Type of article: Article


A cycle analysis of a CO2 air conditioner is presented in the study. It is shown that the effect of internal superheating on the system COP is very small for a system using a semi-hermetic compressor. However, the compressor efficiency has a significant effect on the system COP. The design of the recuperative heat exchanger in a system is crucial, since the system COP may decrease when the size of the recuperator is larger than a certain size.


  • Original title: Some design features of a CO2 air conditioner.
  • Record ID : 2002-0409
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Applied Thermal Engineering - vol. 21 - n. 8
  • Publication date: 2001/06


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