IIR document

Introducing ACCO2: a public domain air-to-air simulation model of the transcritical carbon dioxide cycle.


A cycle model has been developed which can simulate the operation of a carbon dioxide based air conditioner. This model, ACCO2, simulates the operation of a carbon dioxide based air conditioner that uses air as the heat source and heat sink. An overview of component models and the methodology to combine them into an overall cycle model is presented. ACCO2 was validated using experimental data and data from another validated air conditioner model.

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Pages: 2000-1


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  • Original title: Introducing ACCO2: a public domain air-to-air simulation model of the transcritical carbon dioxide cycle.
  • Record ID : 2001-0682
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Final proceedings of the 4th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Working Fluids at Purdue.
  • Publication date: 2000/07/25


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