IIR document
System dynamics analysis on energy and environment demands of air conditioning in civil buildings in Shanghai.
Author(s) : BAI W., LONG W. D., LIU Z. Y.
Shanghai has not its own energy resources and has to obtain from other provinces, cities and countries. Along with people's living standard and economic developing rapidly, the total energy consumption amount grows and energy situation becomes very tense and severe in Shanghai year by year. So increase of energy demand of civil air-conditioning and the following environment demand should be paid attention to in the future. This paper builds system dynamics models and makes three scenarios to analyse the energy and environmental demands of civil air conditioning in Shanghai in the next 15 years. Both residential air conditioner and air-conditioning system in commercial buildings are considered. Results show that if Shanghai develops according to the mode of Scenario A, it would encounter very severe energy crisis in the future, even baffle socio-economic development. But if according to the mode of Scenario C, it would reach the planning goal of Shanghai and realize the sustainable development of energy and environment smoothly.
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Pages: ICR07-E1-1155
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- Original title: System dynamics analysis on energy and environment demands of air conditioning in civil buildings in Shanghai.
- Record ID : 2008-0827
- Languages: English
- Subject: Environment
- Source: ICR 2007. Refrigeration Creates the Future. Proceedings of the 22nd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration.
- Publication date: 2007/08/21
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