Taking a CFC examination is a serious affair.

[In Dutch. / En néerlandais.]

Author(s) : STOUTHART F. J.

Type of article: Article


More than 1,000 mechanics in the Netherlands have taken the CFC mechanic examination since they started in the spring of 1993, with 650 of them passing. By 1995, the year in which every refrigeration mechanic must have the CFC diploma, a total of more than 6,000 mechanics will have taken the examinations. There are approximately 2,000 examinations available each year. Companies will therefore be advised to give the most experienced mechanics priority in taking examinations. Every cold storage business must employ at least one CFC-graduated mechanic by 1994.


  • Original title: [In Dutch. / En néerlandais.]
  • Record ID : 1994-2611
  • Languages: Dutch
  • Source: Koude Mag. - n. 9
  • Publication date: 1993/09
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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