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  • Hygiene of foodstuffs

    On the basis of the principle that every European citizen is entitled to a varied diet of safe and wholesome food and that all information on the composition, manufacturing processes and use of foodstuffs must be clear and accurate and with a view...

    • Publication date : 2004/10/18
  • Melodys: a 16-tonne electric truck for urban foodstuff delivery.

    Melodys is claimed to be the largest electric delivery truck. It can run on diesel fuel or electricity.

    • Publication date : 2011/12/02
  • Changes in the ATP agreement on the international carriage of perishable foodstuffs.

    A new version of the international ATP agreement which lays down the rules for controlled-temperature transportation entered into force on November 13, 2014.

    • Publication date : 2015/01/23
    • Subjects: Regulation
  • Award for the first air-conditioned building in the UK

    Opened in 1903, the Royal Victoria Hospital’s air conditioning system is seen as a milestone in the history of environmental engineering, cleaning the air and controlling both temperature and humidity in the hospital for the comfort of staff and...

    • Publication date : 2018/12/27
  • A market study on refrigeration and AC enterprises in Belgium.

    A study performed in 2007, by the Royal Belgian Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Union, in renowned refrigeration and AC companies of various sizes reveals interesting facts. One of the most striking is that almost half of the turnover in the...

    • Publication date : 2007/12/03
  • Certification for cold logistics: Cool Chain Quality Indicators

    Cool Chain Quality Indicators (CCQI) is the name of the recently developed international standard for certification of the reliability, quality and proficiency of companies active in the cold logistics industry. This standard is aimed at...

    • Publication date : 2004/12/22
  • Temperature tracking in real time

    Refrigeration transport companies are increasingly introducing temperature tracking systems. Pomona Terre Azur, located in Brittany, France, launched embarked Masternaut computer technology in 22 lorries in 2008. The computers are linked to a...

    • Publication date : 2009/05/18
  • Employment in the French refrigeration sector

    This new edition of the statistical presentation published by AGEFOS SME's observatory services highlights a very clear trend in employment: the very high proportion of permanent contracts (82%) and full-time jobs (91%) make this a particularly...

    • Publication date : 2015/03/13
    • Subjects: Figures, economy
  • Brief: ASHRAE’s new Executive Vice President

    Jeff Littleton has been named Executive Vice-President of ASHRAE. He succeeds Frank M. Coda and will head ASHRAE's 100-member staff in Altlanta, USA. Jeff Littleton has considerable business and association experience.

    • Publication date : 2004/11/10
  • IIR Member news: CIAT is 70!

    CIAT (Compagnie Industrielle d'Applications Thermiques), a corporate member of the IIR, has just celebrated its 70th birthday. Famous for having ventilated the Cheops Pyramid, CIAT manufactures a broad range of air-conditioning and air-handling...

    • Publication date : 2004/07/27
  • Out of the ordinary: trapped cat

    A cat has survived despite being trapped for at least a month in a frozen food warehouse which operates at -33°C. Frosty, as the cat has been appropriately named, had lost one ear and vets had to amputate his other ear and his tail after the...

    • Publication date : 2010/05/27
  • News flash: IIR e-mail addresses have changed!

    Please note that for technical reasons, the e-mail address of the IIR has changed. You can now contact us at (instead of

    • Publication date : 2006/11/15
  • European cold Store benchmarking study

    The European division of the Global Cold Chain Alliance (GCCA) is carrying out a benchmarking study for the European public refrigerated warehouse industry, focusing on facility and equipment data such as capacity, order picking, handling...

    • Publication date : 2011/02/04
  • Briefs: Antarctic ice cores travel to Colorado

    Ice cores estimated at several million US dollars were successfully transported across the equator to a lab in south-west United States in 12-m refrigerated containers, conceptualized by the US Antarctic Program support staff and designed and...

    • Publication date : 2011/02/11
  • Briefs: AC on board ships

    Oasis of the Seas, the world¡¯s largest cruise liner, recently left Florida on its first public voyage. It can carry over 6000 passengers and 2300 staff. The Oasis of the Seas was built in Finland at a cost of GBP 800 million, making it the most...

    • Publication date : 2010/03/07
  • Ice cream manufacturing, environmental impact and market data

    From a physico-chemical point of view, ice cream is a complex, frozen multiphase mixture. The manufacturing process includes several stages of freezing which are described in this...

    • Last update : 2023/06/30
    • Langues : French, English
    • Themes : Ice creams
  • Liquefied Natural Gas: production process and cold energy recovery

    Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas that has been cooled to about -160 °C and turned into a liquid to facilitate transportation and storage. A typical LNG supply chain...

    • Last update : 2023/06/23
    • Langues : French, English
    • Themes : LNG and LPG
  • Environmental impact of the ice cream industry

    This summary document describes the environmental impact of ice cream manufacturing, which is mainly due to the energy consumption and refrigerants used.

    • Last update : 2022/11/17
    • Langues : French, English
    • Themes : General information on environment (climate change, ozone depletion…)
  • Cryogenic nitrogen in the food and beverage industry

    The adoption of cryogenic processes in the food and beverage industry is predominantly driven by liquid nitrogen (LIN), and it is the preferred candidate for food chilling and...

    • Last update : 2023/11/07
    • Langues : French, English
    • Themes : Freezing of foodstuffs
  • Additive manufacturing of regenerators for caloric cooling

    In many areas of engineering, additive manufacturing allows the production of complex and multifunctional products that could not be manufactured using traditional methods. In the...

    • Last update : 2022/09/16
    • Langues : French, English
    • Themes : Caloric cooling (magnetocaloric, electrocaloric, elastocaloric and barocaloric cooling)