The benefits and drawbacks of air- and water-cooled condensers.

Pour chaque système de condensation, à air et à eau : avantages et inconvénients.

Author(s) : BENOIT A.


In this article, various means of cooling condensers in refrigerating systems are described. The use of waste water is generally not envisaged. The article focuses on air-cooled and evaporative condensers.


  • Original title: Pour chaque système de condensation, à air et à eau : avantages et inconvénients.
  • Record ID : 2001-0742
  • Languages: French
  • Subject: Environment
  • Source: Les installations frigorifiques et l'environnement. Journée française du Froid. Recueil des conférences.
  • Publication date: 1999/11/09
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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