The emplacement of the temperature sensors inside an automated potato storehouse.

Author(s) : VOINICU O. R., PERNIU D.


Potatoes may lose quality during storage due to pathological, physiological or mechanical factors. Minimization of the losses during storage can be achieved only by utilization of an automated system that can control and regulate the optimum temperature moisture and ventilation inside the potato storehouse. One of the most important problems of the automated storehouse is the position of the temperature transducers inside the potato cell. Based on combined theoretical and experimental research on the variation of temperature inside the potato storehouse, the authors determined the optimal positioning of temperature transducers. The theoretical and experimental results were analysed simultaneously using statistical methods.


  • Original title: The emplacement of the temperature sensors inside an automated potato storehouse.
  • Record ID : 2006-0324
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 2001
  • Source: Source: Proc. CIOSTA-GIGR V Congr., Krakow/In: Farm Work Sci. facing Chall. XXI Century, Wageningen Pers
    241-247; 4 ref.