The energy transition or our future energy sources.

La transition énergétique ou les énergies que nous aurons.

Author(s) : IFDD

Type of monograph: Periodical in parts


This issue of Liaison Energie-Francophonie is dedicated to the energy transition. Extract from the table of contents: situation, perspectives, challenges and opportunities; the impacts of the energy transition on communities; from the planning stage to implementation.


  • Original title: La transition énergétique ou les énergies que nous aurons.
  • Record ID : 30007625
  • Languages: French
  • Subject: Developing country, General information
  • Publication: IFDD (Institut de la francophonie pour le développement durable) - Canada/Canada
  • Publication date: 2013
  • ISSN: 08407827
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.