The relationship between the Colburn and Silver methods of condenser design.

Author(s) : WEBB D. R., FAHRNER M., SCHWAAB R.

Type of article: Article


There has been an assumption that the two methods are equivalent at Lewis numbers near unity, but the approximate method may then be unsafe in design by up to 50%. The predictions are even less safe when the Lewis number is greater than unity, and cases are reported where the methods show discrepancies as large as 150% in gas film heat transfer coefficients. Discrepancies of similar magnitude are also found when the Lewis number is much less than unity, but the approximate method is then safe. The improved understanding that is reached leads to a new correction factor allowing the approximate method to be brought into good agreement with the Colburn approach in a self-consistent manner.


  • Original title: The relationship between the Colburn and Silver methods of condenser design.
  • Record ID : 1997-2045
  • Languages: English
  • Source: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer - vol. 39 - n. 15
  • Publication date: 1996/10


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