The trapped field of YBCO bulk superconducting magnets.


The authors have measured trapped field distributions by scanning a Hall probe on various rectangular YBCO bulk superconductors and studied the effects of field dependence of critical current density bulk thickness and bulk size on the trapped field. The trapped field could be increased by increasing the bulk thickness and size. However, a saturation was observed for the maximum thickness. The authors also calculated the distribution of trapped field taking account of the field dependence of critical current density. Experimental trapped field distributions were in good agreement with their calculated values when they used the critical current density-B curves obtained from a direct-current magnetization measurement for samples.


  • Original title: The trapped field of YBCO bulk superconducting magnets.
  • Record ID : 1998-2129
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 1997/10
  • Source: Source: Cryogenics/Proc. LTEC, Southampton
    vol. 37; n. 10; 577-581; 11 fig.; 8 ref.