Thermal environment of station O with large-scale air-conditioned space.

Number: pap. 415

Author(s) : KAWAMATA D, NAKAMURA Y., ITO K., et al.


Recently, the large-scale commercial development of railway stations has led to people spending longer periods of time within the station. In order to fulfill the demand for a higher degree of thermal comfort in the station, energy efficient means to control the indoor thermal environment are needed. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the characteristics of the thermal environment and the thermal sensation of occupants in a station with an air-conditioned space. A field survey was carried out in station O located in Japan, in which a large area of the station is occupied by an air-conditioned commercial space. The field survey was carried out from July 2011 to February 2012 and consisted of thermal environment measurements and a questionnaire on thermal comfort. From the results of this survey, the temperature difference in the concourse was found to be large in summer and winter and the air-conditioned and the non-air-conditioned spaces were found to influence one another. In summer, the southerly wind entering the station through the stairs connecting it to the outdoor platforms influenced the indoor thermal environment. There were more stairs facing south than north, and the northerly wind was found to flow through the adjacent south stairs without disturbing the indoor thermal environment. In the concourse, the acceptable upper limit was found to be 32oC SET* and the “comfort range” was found to be 23-29°C SET*. Thus, the ambient environment of the concourse must be less than 32°C SET*. For occupants who spend longer periods in the concourse, 23-29°C SET* is recommended as the target for the environmental controls in the concourse.

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  • Original title: Thermal environment of station O with large-scale air-conditioned space.
  • Record ID : 30009012
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Clima 2013. 11th REHVA World Congress and 8th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings.
  • Publication date: 2013/06/16


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