Towards a new theory of nucleate pool boiling.


The approach is based on the new theory recently developed for vapour bubble dynamics. Evolution of a bubble is governed by buoyancy and by effective surface tension force, and both of these forces facilitate bubble detachment. Bubble detachment characteristics determine heat transfer properties of the isolated bubble regime, and also the conditions for its termination. The isolated bubble regime collapse is proven to be usually due to lateral coalescence of either secondary bubbles or vapour columns originated as a result of longitudinal coalescence of primary bubbles. The lateral coalescence produces intermittent vapour patterns that cover the wall and prevent it from directly contacting the liquid. The mean wall-liquid contact area fraction is calculated. This area decreases as wall temperature grows, and the film boiling eventually sets in. More information is given.


  • Original title: Towards a new theory of nucleate pool boiling.
  • Record ID : 1997-0150
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Proceedings of the 2nd European Thermal-Sciences (EUROTHERM) and 14th UIT National Heat Transfer Conference 1996.
  • Publication date: 1996/05/29
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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