Transcritical CO2 supermarket refrigeration.

Author(s) : WEBER C., HORNING H.

Type of article: Article, Case study


Hannaford Supermarkets opened a store in Turner, Maine, featuring the first transcritical (TC) carbon dioxide supermarket refrigeration system in the United States. The two-year-old, 35,000 ft2 (3252 m2) new-construction supermarket includes conditioned and refrigerated merchandising space, as well as food preparation areas and offices. The TC CO2 refrigeration system serves a total of 740 kBtu/h (217 kW) of combined low- and medium-temperature loads, while providing high-quality waste heat that meets much of the store’s space heating needs.


  • Original title: Transcritical CO2 supermarket refrigeration.
  • Record ID : 30017393
  • Languages: English
  • Source: ASHRAE Journal - vol. 57 - n. 10
  • Publication date: 2015/10


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