Transfrigoroute International's guide to good practice regarding hygiene in temperature-controlled transport./ Guide de bonnes pratiques Transfrigoroute International sur l'hygiène dans les transports à température dirigée.
Author(s) : GAC A.
Type of article: Article
Council Directive 93/43/EEC of 14 June 1993 on the hygiene of foodstuffs, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities of 19 July 1993, lays down the general principles for food safety and for preserving foodstuffs in good hygienic condition throughout the whole marketing chain. This Directive on the one hand asks the governments of the European Union to implement legislative, statutory and administrative provisions bringing them into line with the requirements of the Directive, and, on the other hand, invites businesses and professional bodies to draw up guides to good hygiene practice.
- Original title: Transfrigoroute International's guide to good practice regarding hygiene in temperature-controlled transport./ Guide de bonnes pratiques Transfrigoroute International sur l'hygiène dans les transports à température dirigée.
- Record ID : 2001-1070
- Languages: French
- Subject: Regulation
- Source: Frigoriscope - n. 24
- Publication date: 2000/06
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See the source
Guide des bonnes pratiques logistiques.
- Author(s) : LUCAS J.
- Date : 1996/06
- Languages : French
- Source: Rev. gén. Froid - vol. 86 - n. 964
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Hygiene in temperature-controlled transport. Gu...
- Author(s) : Transfrigoroute int.
- Date : 2002
- Languages : French
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Avant projet de Code d'usages pour toutes les d...
- Date : 1996/08
- Languages : French
- Source: Comm. Codex Aliment. - CX-FH 96-8; 10 p.; 1 tabl.; 1 append.
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Manual for transportation of goods with control...
- Author(s) : Transfrigoroute int.
- Date : 1997/05
- Languages : French
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Transfrigoroute International. 22 Kongress, Sof...
- Organiser : Transfrigoroute int.
- Date : 2001/09/21
- Languages : French
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