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274 results
La livraison de nuit, un système vertueux dans la logistique urbaine.
How night deliveries can improve urban logistics.
Recommended by the IIR / IIR document
Cold Chain Technology Brief: Transport refrigeration.
Transport refrigeration. Fact Sheet 6.
Quali solutioni di "drop-in" per sostituire l'R404A nel transporto?
Which "drop-in" alternative solutions to replace R404A in transportation?
IIR document
The impact of slow steaming on refrigerated exports from New Zealand.
Numerical characterization of a propane-CO2 refrigeration system developed for TES last-mile delivery.
Modelling the performance of a new cooling unit for refrigerated transport using carbon dioxide as the refrigerant.
Optimizing cold chain transport : applying U.S. lessons in refrigerated hauling in the developing world.
System modelling with low global warming potential refrigerants for transportation refrigeration application.
Shaping the Cold Chain of the Future: The Road to Net Zero. Part three - The Journey Towards Emission Free Temperature-controlled Distribution on Road Vehicles.
Logistique urbaine et standard de livraisons multi-température.
Urban logistics and standard multi-temperature deliveries.
Modelling and prediction of refrigerated trucks’ environmental performance using real-life data and data science.
Method for measuring the thickness of the walls of isothermal cells.
Analysis of cold chain carbon footprint of fruits and vegetables in China
Refrigerant leakage in the refrigerated transport sector.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
18 results
ICCC2020 highlights: Benefits of IoT technologies for cold chain management
Internet of Things and cloud services are promising solutions for smart management and maintenance of the multiple cold rooms of supermarket chains.
French food banks lack cold storage.
Cold storage capacities have not kept up with the trend.
Refrigerated containers: state of play and perspectives
Refrigerated containers play an essential role in the maritime refrigerated transport sector; a look back at the stages of their development and the recent and future technological advances of this...
An infographic shows what would happen if all technologies suddenly vanished
The Refrigeration School recently published The Refrigeration Apocalypse, an infographic showing the consequences of a failure of all cooling systems after different periods of time.
AREA's "Vision&Strategy 2020" manifesto.
In its new document, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration European Association (AREA) has identified 6 key priorities.
Mini containers, an energy-efficient solution for small farmers?
To benefit small growers, a team of researchers investigated the concept of mini containers that would consume less energy and produce fewer GHG emissions than conventional full-size...
The US Refrigerated Transportation Market Predicts Growth
The refrigerated transportation market in the U.S. will grow at a CAGR of 12.44% from 2014 to 2019, according to a report from Research and Markets.
Member news: Carrier Transicold to offer R452A in the United States
Carrier Transicold proposes R452A as an alternative to R404A for refrigerated hauliers in the USA.
In-transit cold treatment facilitates imports of South African fruits in India
A recent agreement between India and South Africa for in-transit cold treatment should benefit South African exporters of apples and pears.
CO2, one of the options for reducing the carbon footprint of refrigerated transport
Comparison of CO2 emissions from refrigerated transport units using R744 and HFC-134a and overview of solutions that could reduce the carbon footprint of this sector.
Refrigerated vehicle sales in China increased by 27% in 2019
Cold chain logistics in China are expected to expand over the next few years.
Development of the cold chain in China
Railways and in particular, high-speed trains have great potential in cold chain logistics in China.
Season’s greetings and a special gift: free access to a popular IJR article!
As we celebrate the holidays, the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) has a special gift for you! Download for free the most downloaded article of the year from the International Journal of...
An innovative ripening room inside a container.
Dutch manufacturer Interko has launched an innovative fruit ripening room inside of a standard refrigerated container.
China’s largest port-base cold chain project
With a state-of-the-art mega-refrigerated warehouse project, the port of Nansha in southern China will be ready to meet the growing logistics needs of the cold chain in the region.
IIR news
9 results
The 2nd IIR Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain (ICCC2013): a great success
The 2nd IIR Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain (ICCC2013) took place in Paris on April 2-4, 2013. With 180 participants, 78 papers and three leading edge plenary presentations, the event was highly successful.
ICCC 2018 welcomed nearly 200 participants
Hosted by the Chinese Association of Refrigeration, the 5th IIR Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain welcomed nearly 200 participants this month in Beijing, China.
Obituary: Rui Telmo Nobre
Mr Rui Telmo Nobre was the chairman of the UNECE Working Party on Transport of Perishable Foodstuffs and involved in the work of the IIR CERTE Sub-Commission.
26th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration - Call for abstract
Abstract submission for the 26th International Congress of Refrigeration is extended. ICR 2023 is scheduled from 21st to 25th August 2023 in Paris.
FRIDOC now features a selection of MDPI articles on refrigeration
About 150 articles from MDPI journals, including review articles on various refrigeration technologies, are available in FRIDOC.
IIR Sub-Commission D2 CERTE news
A new president and a meeting in Germany for this very active IIR Sub-Commission on test stations (refrigerated transport).
Activities of the IIR’s Commission D2 on Refrigerated Transport
The role of the IIR is well recognized worldwide, and in particular the expertise of the members of Commission D2 makes an important contribution to refrigerated transport issues: avoiding the wastage of food and the minimizing of emissions.
A new version of the ATP Agreement
The new version on the international carriage of perishable foodstuffs and on the special equipment to be used for such carriage became effective from 30 September 2015. The IIR was involved in this process thanks to its Commission D2...
The Cold Chain: A logistical challenge at the heart of the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine
Gérald Cavalier - President of the Science and Technology Council of the International Institute of Refrigeration, President of the French Association of Refrigeration, President of the Cemafroid...
Encyclopedia of Refrigeration
2 results
Cryogenic nitrogen in the food and beverage industry
The adoption of cryogenic processes in the food and beverage industry is predominantly driven by liquid nitrogen (LIN), and it is the preferred candidate for food chilling and...
Cold storage conditions for fruits and vegetables
Practical recommendations for the cold storage of over 200 cultivars of fruits, vegetables and herbs (storage temperatures, relative humidity, storage time, controlled atmosphere...