Use of liquid carbon dioxide for deep-freezing of defective pork.

Próby zastosowania skroplonego dwutlenku wegla do mrozenia wadliwego miesa wieprzowego.


Type of article: Article


The considerable amount of economic loss related to the occurrence of pork quality defects makes it necessary to conduct thorough research in this field. This concerns not only the need to optimize the systems of purchase, transportations and pre-slaughter handling of animals, or to improve slaughter technologies and carcass chilling methods, but also to implement modern technologies enabling to freeze defective pork using liquid carbon dioxide. The results of studies presented in the paper represent a valuable contribution to the discussion on the above problems.


  • Original title: Próby zastosowania skroplonego dwutlenku wegla do mrozenia wadliwego miesa wieprzowego.
  • Record ID : 2006-1868
  • Languages: Polish
  • Source: Chlodnictwo - vol. 41 - n. 1-2
  • Publication date: 2006


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