IIR document
Utilization of magnesium chloride graphite intercalation compound ammonia couple in a solid sorption system: magnesium chloride-ammonia.
The chemical storage of thermal energy is attractive because of the high values of energy densities and the possibility of choosing operating temperatures as a function of the large variety of available pairs. The magnesium chloride-ammonia couple is found in the mean zone from 100 to 200 deg C for the reactor and from about -20 to 10 deg C for the cold reservoir. The use of the heat-conduction link for chloride is required. The use of graphite-intercalation compounds is suggested, and the experiments of the insertion of magnesium chloride in graphite are described. The product obtained contains 38% graphite and produces 47.25 kilojoules per mole of chloride through reaction with ammonia.
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- Original title: Utilization of magnesium chloride graphite intercalation compound ammonia couple in a solid sorption system: magnesium chloride-ammonia.
- Record ID : 1994-0244
- Languages: English
- Source: Solid Sorption Refrigeration.
- Publication date: 1992/11/18
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See the conference proceedings
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