Virtual filling and airflow simulation of boxes with horticultural products.

Author(s) : VERBOVEN P., TIJSKENS E., RAMON H., et al.


Resistance to airflow of horticultural products in boxes is important for the design of the cooling process. Correlations have been determined experimentally to determine the effect of particle shape and size, box design, and air penetration slots on overall pressure drop. In the paper, a numerical modelling methodology is presented to account for geometrical factors, such as box design and product stacking, explicitly in the model formulation of the airflow through vented boxes with horticultural products.


  • Original title: Virtual filling and airflow simulation of boxes with horticultural products.
  • Record ID : 2006-2496
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Proceedings of the International Conference Postharvest Unlimited Downunder 2004.
  • Publication date: 2005/07


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