WHO. Bibliographical description of papers 1993-1994.

OMS. Fiches signalétiques d'articles 1993-1994.

Author(s) : WHO, OMS

Type of monograph: Other


This issue gives general information on the choice of equipment, and, in a few papers, some technical details and purchasing information. The equipment for the expanded vaccination program is presented, as well as the equipment for the program against acute respiratory infections and for haemalogical safety. Extract of contents: cold rooms for bulk storage of vaccines; transport; refrigerators and freezers for storage of vaccines; ice-boxes, vaccine-holders and vaccine packaging; cold storers; thermometers, thermographs and indicators; accessories, equipment for administering vaccines and micronutriments; vapour sterilants; injecting equipment; sample collecting equipment; isothermal boxes for transport of blood; devices permitting the treatment of acute respiratory infections; index by manufacturer and type of equipment.


  • Original title: OMS. Fiches signalétiques d'articles 1993-1994.
  • Record ID : 1995-1985
  • Languages: French
  • Publication: Oms - Switzerland/Switzerland
  • Publication date: 1994/05
  • Source: Source: WHO-UNICEF-EPI.TS-93.1; ed. 2; 211 p. (21 x 29.7); phot.; tabl.; index.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.