World Energy Employment 2023.

Author(s) : IEA

Type of monograph: Report


The second edition of the World Energy Employment (WEE) report tracks the evolutions of the energy workforce from before the pandemic, through the global energy crisis, to today. The report provides a comprehensive stock-take of energy employment with estimates of the size and distribution of the labour force across regions, sectors, and technologies. This year’s report also benchmarks energy employment needs against an outlook to 2030 across IEA scenarios, outlining key policies that could help countries cultivate and maintain a skilled energy workforce throughout the energy transition.

Available documents

Format PDF

Pages: 98 p.




  • Original title: World Energy Employment 2023.
  • Record ID : 30031766
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Figures, economy, General information
  • Publication: Iea (international energy agency)
  • Publication date: 2023/11
