Yoghurt ice creams: improved sensory and functional characteristics.

Cechy jakosciowe lodów jogurtowych w zaleznosci od sposobu ich wytwarzania i stopnia zakwaszenia.


Type of article: Article


Application of different methods in yoghurt ice cream production is contributive to increase a market offer of frozen desserts and meets consumers expectations. In this study the functional properties and sensory characteristics of yoghurt ice creams were estimated. Those ice creams were produced by direct acidification of full fat ice cream mixes and also by mixing traditional ice cream mixes with plain yoghurts with different acidity in 3 to 2 ratio. Obtained ice cream were tested directly after production and also during storing in temperature -18 °C for 12 weeks. In produced ice creams amount of dry mass, acidity, overrun, meltability resistance and sensory characteristics, including odour and flavour and also consistency and structure, were estimated.


  • Original title: Cechy jakosciowe lodów jogurtowych w zaleznosci od sposobu ich wytwarzania i stopnia zakwaszenia.
  • Record ID : 2000-2017
  • Languages: Polish
  • Source: Chlodnictwo - vol. 34 - n. 5
  • Publication date: 1999
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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