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Osmotic Dehydration, Drying Kinetics, and Quality Attributes of Osmotic Hot Air-Dried Mango as Affected by Initial Frozen Storage.
IIR document
Measurement of food dehydration during freezing in mechanical and cryogenic freezing conditions.
Measurement of food dehydration during freezing: development of an experimental tool and application to tylose.
Dehydration and Hydration Reactivity of LiOH-modified Mg(OH)2 for Chemical Heat Storage.
Dehydration and hydration reactivity of La-based mixed hydroxides for chemical heat storage.
Efeito do da desidratação osmótica seguida de secagem adiabática nos componentes antioxidantes de tomates "Italiano" e mini tomates "Sweet grape".
Effect of osmotic dehydration after adiabatic drying in the antioxidant components of "Italiano" tomatoes and "Sweet grape" cherry tomatoes.
Estudio experimental de la deshidratación de las hojas de Stevia (Rebaudiana bertoni), bajo condiciones controladas y con un secador solar del tipo gabinete.
Experimental study of the Stevia leaves (rebaudiana Bertoni) dehydration, under controlled conditions in a cabinet type solar dryer.
Estudio experimental de la deshidratación de la flor de Jamaica (Hibiscus sabdariffa), utilizando secado solar directo tipo gabinete e indirecto tipo tunel.
Experimental investigation on the jamaican flower (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) dehydration, using cabinet type direct and tunnel type indirect solar desiccation.
Uso de biocombustibles procedentes del reciclado de plásticos en la cogeneración de una planta deshidratadora de crudo en Ecuador.
Use of biofuels from recycled plastics for cogeneration in a crude oil dehydration plant in Ecuador.
Drying of Carrot Strips in Indirect Solar Dehydrator with Photovoltaic Cell and Thermal Energy Storage.
La congélation de pommes partiellement séchées.
Freezing partially dried apples.
Study of coating effects on variable profile annular fins when subjected to dehumidifying operating conditions.
Recent developments in the hybridization of the freeze-drying technique in food dehydration: a review on chemical and sensory qualities.
A novel method of osmotic-dehydrofreezing with ultrasound enhancement to improve water status and physicochemical properties of kiwifruit.
Application of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for modelling H2O/KCOOH (potassium formate) dynamic viscosity.