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IIR document
Theoretical analysis of energy-saving performance and economics of CO2 and NH3 heat pumps with simultaneous cooling and heating applications in food processing.
Design to maximize the cost effectiveness of an ammonia heat pump.
Cryobanks XXL: Cost-effectiveness of large cryobanks as a prerequisite for automation.
Profitability of PV generators in urban environments considering the new spanish regulation.
SME and quality focused traceability architecture to increase sustainability and profit.
Energy performance and economics assessments of a photovoltaic-heat pump system.
Experimental exergy, economic and sustainability analyses of the dual-mode evaporative cooler.
How to maximise energy efficiency and cost effectiveness of different type heat pump projects: three case studies.
Multi-objective approach for the performance and economic optimization of the two TED sub-cooled trans-critical carbon dioxide cycle.
Comment un audit énergétique permet-il de réduire le TCO et de rénover une installation de froid négatif ?
How can an energy audit lower the total cost of ownership and help renovate a below 0°C refrigerating plant?
Thermoeconomic optimization of an ejector refrigeration system working with isobutane.
“Night wind” energy storage concept develops into a product: a cold store time of use (ToU) controller.
Comparación de costes de differentes tipos de intercambiador de calor.
Cost comparison of different heat exchanger types.
Design considerations for dedicated OA systems.
New methodology to design ground coupled heat pump systems based on total cost minimization.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
5 results
Earth-to-air heat exchanger for air conditioning in a Colombian tropical weather
In a recent theoretical study, a passive cooling system using an earth-to-air heat exchanger (EAHE) was modelled for the Colombian tropical weather.
Refrigerated rail transport of fruits in India
1000 tonnes of imported fresh fruits reached Bengaluru (India) on refrigerated train.
Road to COP28. Extending the temperature range and application for heat pumps
To promote decarbonation, “high temperature heat pumps should be designed using waste heat and renewables as a driving energy, and environmentally friendly working fluids”, according...
France: refrigeration (excluding air conditioning) accounts for almost 11% of electricity consumption
According to the CEREN, energy production in the refrigeration sector accounts for 52 TWh in total annual electric energy consumption:
World’s largest seawater air-conditioning system commissioned in Tahiti
Thanks to this system, the cold waters of the deep will cool the French Polynesia Hospital Center, saving at least 2.5 million euros of electricity per year.
IIR news
3 results
The IIR with the World Bank in West Bengal
The IIR is a key partner in the World Bank’s project on the Inland Waterways Transport (IWT) integration into the cold chain in West Bengal
Interview: Director General of the IIR gives an overview of the trends of the refrigeration sector
In the 2018-2019 international special issue of the Industria & Formazione magazine, Director General of the International Institute of Refrigeration, Didier Coulomb, gives an overview of the impact of the refrigeration sector on climate...
Heat pumps, the central theme of the recent IIR Congress
An overview of the research carried out in the field of heat pumps, with the aim of achieving greater flexibility and increased energy efficiency, in particular through to the use of thermal energy...