A helium 3 refrigerated scanning tunnelling microscope in high magnetic fields and ultrahigh vacuum.

Author(s) : KUGLER M., RENNER C., FISHER O., et al.

Type of article: Article


The authors present a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) designed to operate between 275 mK and room temperature, in magnetic fields up to 14 T and in ultrahigh vacuum (UHV). The system features a compact STM connected to an UHV compatible helium-3 refrigerator fitting into a bottom loading cryostat with a superconducting magnet.


  • Original title: A helium 3 refrigerated scanning tunnelling microscope in high magnetic fields and ultrahigh vacuum.
  • Record ID : 2001-0648
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Rev. sci. Instrum. - vol. 71 - n. 3
  • Publication date: 2000/03
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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