A history of the British ice cream industry.
Author(s) : CROWHURST B.
Type of monograph: Book
This book describes the story of ice cream in Britain, from the earliest times, through the moving story of the Italian immigrant families, wartime and peacetime rationing, to the vast industry this is today, with details of the creation and success of the Ice Cream Alliance. Extract from the table of contents: short general history of ice cream; early history of British ice cream; Italian influence from 1800; progress in the 20th century; the Ice Cream Alliance, Ice Cream Federation and other organisations; development of national wholesaling; legislation on ice cream; British ice cream statistics; modern developments.
- Original title: A history of the British ice cream industry.
- Record ID : 2004-3099
- Languages: English
- Publication: Food Trade Press - United kingdom/United kingdom
- Publication date: 2000/09
- ISBN: 090037943X
- Source: Source: 208 p. (19.5 x 28); fig.; phot.; index; GBP 49.50.
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
History of refrigeration;
Ice creams - Keywords: United Kingdom; Manufacturer; Manufacture; Transport; Statistics; World; Institution; History; Italy; Ice cream; Marketing
Marché international des produits surgelés : cr...
- Date : 1996/01/15
- Languages : French
- Source: Bull. CFCE, MIPS - n. 1
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Ice creams imports.
- Author(s) : ACZEL J.
- Date : 1995/04
- Languages : English
- Source: Frozen chill. Foods - vol. 49 - n. 4
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Dossier Royaume-Uni : le marché britannique des...
- Author(s) : WINDY E.
- Date : 2003/07
- Languages : French
- Source: Lett. VIPS - n. 5
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Dossier Royaume-Uni : crèmes glacées.
- Date : 2005/04
- Languages : French
- Source: Lett. VIPS - n. 24
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The big chill.
- Author(s) : ACZEL J.
- Date : 1995/06
- Languages : English
- Source: Dairy Ind. int. - vol. 60 - n. 6
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