A simple method of composition shifting with a distillation column for a heat pump employing a zeotropic refrigerant mixture.

Author(s) : ROTHFLEISCH P. I.

Type of article: Periodical article


An experimetal system employing this distillation concept has been evaluated in the laboratory for zeotropic mixtures of R32-R134a (30-70) and R32-R125-R134a (23-25-52). The circulating refrigerant composition was shifted respectively to R32-R134a (54-46) and R32-R125-R134a (36-36-28). Seasonal calculations have shown these composition shifts to reduce the seasonal resistance heat requirement by up to five percent compared to R22 and the instantaneous peak energy requirement of the dwelling by six to nine percent. The distillation insert should be capable of producing greater composition shifts after further optimization of the insert and improved integration with the heat pump system. For the ternary mixture, it is expected that the insert will be capable of producing a circulating refrigerant composition composed entirely of R32-R125.


  • Original title: A simple method of composition shifting with a distillation column for a heat pump employing a zeotropic refrigerant mixture.
  • Record ID : 1997-1793
  • Languages: English
  • Source: NIST, Build. Fire Res. Lab. - NIST IR 5689; 21 p.; 8 fig.; 7 tabl.; 4 ref.
  • Publication date: 1995/07


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