Accelerated R22 phase out schedules (European Union proposal and description of the grounds for the July 1998 proposal): issues for the EU air-conditioning industry.

Accelerated R22 phase out schedules (European Union proposal and description of the grounds for the July 1998 proposal): issues for the EU air-conditioning industry./ Règles accélératrices d'élimination du HCFC-22 (proposition de l'Union européenne et exposé des motifs de juillet 1998) : conséquences pour l'industrie européenne du conditionnement d'air.

Author(s) : BAILLY A.


This article attempts to demonstrate that local regulations (within a European context), faster and with more impact than the global movement, do not make sense in the air-conditioning field. Technological progress is a dangerous concept. The economic and social impact would be negative and the direct positive impact on the environment would be insignificant. Hope lies in European policy not to change text 3093/94 with respect to sections applying to HCFC-22, a basic refrigerant in the air-conditioning field.


  • Original title: Accelerated R22 phase out schedules (European Union proposal and description of the grounds for the July 1998 proposal): issues for the EU air-conditioning industry./ Règles accélératrices d'élimination du HCFC-22 (proposition de l'Union européenne et exposé des motifs de juillet 1998) : conséquences pour l'industrie européenne du conditionnement d'air.
  • Record ID : 1999-1417
  • Languages: French
  • Subject: Regulation, Environment
  • Publication date: 1998/10/07
  • Source: Source: Symp. ASERCOM, Nuremberg
    16 p.; 1 fig.; 21 ref.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.