Air microflora of open and closed spaces in the cold storage environment.

Mikroflora powietrza otwartej i zamknietej przestrzeni srodowisk chlodniczych.

Author(s) : RYWOTYCKI R.

Type of article: Article


This study demonstrated the effect of the main sources of microbial pollution on air purity and the size and quality of the contamination on foodstuffs held in walk-in coolers, as well as its importance for the safety and wholesomeness of stored food. Comparative mycological studies focussed mainly on the presence and identification of mould fungi in the outer and inner air of 25 walk in coolers determined in individual months over 1996-2000, taking into account the temperature and humidity. Monitoring the quality and microbial state of the air in these coolers, as well as physical, hygienic and sanitary state of the food revealed an effect of multicomponent mechanisms and environmental factors, which so far have not been included in any such investigations.


  • Original title: Mikroflora powietrza otwartej i zamknietej przestrzeni srodowisk chlodniczych.
  • Record ID : 2002-2128
  • Languages: Polish
  • Source: Chlodnictwo - vol. 36 - n. 8-9
  • Publication date: 2001
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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