CFC destruction by rotary kiln.
[In Japanese. / En japonais.]
Author(s) : SAWADA T.
Type of article: Article
The destruction of CFC was proved in a rotary kiln plant under the actual commercial operation. CFC was almost completely destroyed in a rotary kiln operated under normal conditions of noxious industrial waste treatment. The results are as follows: 1) the CFC was destroyed with an efficiency of 99.9% or more; 2) HCl and HF generated by the decomposition of CFC was treated safely in the described process; 3) the formation of toxic halogenated organic compounds such as dioxin was not observed at all.
- Original title: [In Japanese. / En japonais.]
- Record ID : 2000-1716
- Languages: Japanese
- Source: Refrigeration - vol. 73 - n. 850
- Publication date: 1998/08
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See other articles in this issue (3)
See the source
Solar thermal technology for the destruction of...
- Author(s) : BLAKE D. M.
- Date : 1988/07
- Languages : English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 11 - n. 4
- Formats : PDF
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Usage of transferred arc in destruction of wastes.
- Author(s) : ZHELEZNY V. P., ZHELEZNY P. V., HLIEVA O. Â.
- Date : 2001/08/29
- Languages : English
- Source: Refrigerant Management and Destruction Technologies of CFCs.
- Formats : PDF
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CFC decomposition treating technology using a s...
- Author(s) : HIDETAKA K., KANAZAWA M.
- Date : 2000/12/07
- Languages : Japanese
- Source: The International Symposium on HCFC Alternative Refrigerants and Environmental Technology 2000: Latest technology for Energy Conservation, Refrigerants and Recycling on Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Equipment for the 21st century. Proceedings.
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Introducing the R&D programs concerning CFC-rel...
- Author(s) : OHIRA T., YAMAGISHI K.
- Date : 1995/10/23
- Languages : English
- Source: Stratospheric Ozone Protection for the 90's. 1995 International CFC and Halon Alternatives Conference & Exhibition. Conference proceedings.
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Fluorocarbon recovery and destruction: legislat...
- Author(s) : HISASHIMA S.
- Date : 2003
- Languages : Japanese
- Source: Refrigeration - vol. 78 - n. 904
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