Changes in the traditional postharvest system of yam (Dioscorea alata L.) in Costa Rica for improving shelf life.

Cambios en el sistema postcosecha tradicional del ñame (Dioscorea alata L.) en Costa Rica para aumentar su vida util.


In order to be able to sell the product when prices are higher, exporters have to change their habits. Correct postharvest handling and cold storage are discussed.


  • Original title: Cambios en el sistema postcosecha tradicional del ñame (Dioscorea alata L.) en Costa Rica para aumentar su vida util.
  • Record ID : 2003-1919
  • Languages: Spanish
  • Publication date: 2001
  • Source: Source: Interam. Soc. trop. Hortic., Proc. Annu. Meet., Lima/Proc. interam. Soc. trop. Hortic.
    vol. 43; 20-23; 3 ref.