IIR document
Comparative experimental investigation of performance in reciprocating compressors of different sizes using propane (R290) and R407C as refrigerants.
Author(s) : NAVARRO E., URCHUEGUÍA J. F., GONZÁLVEZ J., et al.
In this paper the authors report the results of a number of tests using series of different size hermetic reciprocating compressors. Compressors with different geometries and a wide range of capacities were tested with propane as the refrigerant and polyester oil, typically used with HFCs, instead of the more common mineral oil. These results are systematically compared with R407C measurements. Important parameters like the cooling capacity, COP, efficiencies and oil circulation rate are considered and thoroughly compared in this paper. The results show that using propane instead of R407C leads to a significantly better compressor efficiency, with an improvement of 5 to 10%. Regarding volumetric efficiency the tendencies are more complex showing in general a higher value for R407C for large pressure ratios and the opposite for small pressure ratios although there are some other dependences on the compressor size and other design parameters that have to be taken into account. In relation with oil circulation rates, the results show similar values for propane and R407C, never higher than 2%, and mainly independent of test conditions. Thus, a refrigeration system working in steady state with propane or R407C would not be functionally disturbed by this kind of oil.
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- Original title: Comparative experimental investigation of performance in reciprocating compressors of different sizes using propane (R290) and R407C as refrigerants.
- Record ID : 2005-2530
- Languages: English
- Source: Natural Working Fluids 2004: 6th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conference
- Publication date: 2004/08/01
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- Formats : PDF
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- Formats : PDF
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- Formats : PDF
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- Formats : PDF
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