Compositional changes in jamoon (Eugenia cumini) fruits during storage.

Author(s) : MOHAMMED M., WICKHAM L. D.

Type of article: Article


Fruits stored at 10 deg C in low density polyethylene bags had the lowest percentage decay after 12 days (20.4%, compared with 27.5 and 92.4% in fruits stored in high density polyethylene and paper bags at 10 deg C, respectively). Dipping in ethanol was the most effective pre-treatment for the removal of astringency, although it resulted in a slight alcoholic taste, which became objectionable after 9 days of storage and was worse at higher temperatures and in sealed plastic packages.


  • Original title: Compositional changes in jamoon (Eugenia cumini) fruits during storage.
  • Record ID : 1998-2946
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Trop. Fruits Newsl. - n. 18
  • Publication date: 1996


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